Tribunal de Collipulli (Fernando Lavoz) |
Mapuche children grow up in a climate of daily violence. Their homes have been raided, beaten and detained parents. They go to court every week accompanying their families and admitted to the prison to visit the prisoners in their community... (ver)
Interior del Liceo (Fernando Lavoz) |
Joven detenida durante el Paro Nacional de junio del 2014 (Fernando Lavoz) |
Chileans students are back in the streets for public and free education. During students demonstrations chilean police acts with great violence. They systematically violated the human rigths of the protesters to be... (Ver)
Trabajador de Correos de Chile a orillas del río Mapocho (Fernando Lavoz) |
Postal workers of Chile set up a protest on the banks of the Mapocho River under the Pio Nono bridge to protest for labor improvements. (Ver)
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